Thursday, June 17, 2010

Well, duh!

Finished up Kansas with a whopper of a storm & strong headwinds the next morning. (will get to the hot, dry Colorado part another time)
Time to rate the state.
Everyone asks about wind...well yep they have it & it's strong. (some folks said it was unusually so this year- they were even getting tired of it) We experienced mostly crosswinds which posed the challenge of keeping the bike vertical. This was further complicated by wind currents from trucks in either direction which either sucked you in behind them or nearly knocked you over in their wake. Sometimes it was our hands & arms that were the most tired.
Roads- were great, but I think this is because very few roads are paved so they have very few to attend to.
Signage- quite good. Roads appear about every mile whether you need one or not (in a grid) & are usually in numerical or alphabetical order within each county, so when you get to Apache Rd you're probably at the east or west end of the county.
Drivers- have been great, only an occasional one too close.
New roadkill- sorry but I have to mention 3 armadillos & a porcupine.
New birds- Scissortail flycatcher & Western kingbird. (& quite a few I'd need binoculars & a book to ID)
Storms- well I think we had more than our fair share & they were wicked!

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