Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finding beauty where you can

When we first entered Colorado it was very disappointing. Nearly barren & almost ugly. We actually used the B word- boring. (we actually started pointing out trash which was the only thing of interest) Things quickly changed as we entered desert climate & a whole new set of things to notice like a wide variety of grasses, each with a subtle difference in color or texture, sage brush & cactus (many in bloom). Soon the terrain changed as we climbed 1,000 feet per day into the high plains.
Amazingly, the best bird was 4 white pelicans soaring over Lake Meredith, just outside of Ordway.


  1. Hard to imagine you're already in CO! Go Moms! love ya -j

  2. At first I thought your second photo was of hail, and then I realized, as I scrolled down, that it was wildflowers. It's so wonderful that you arrived in mid-June when so many things were in bloom.

  3. pelicans in Colorado!?
    What a great trip!
