Monday, June 7, 2010

Last day in Missouri

What a wonderful day for biking...Gentle rolling hills, overcast skies, temps under 80. Doesn't get much better than that!
Passed the bull on the hill, some local art in Merwin, and a side trip to Amsterdam (complete with windmills).
No "Welcome to Kansas" sign if you enter on a route with a letter instead of a number, but we made it.

Rate the state
Roads generally poor. Actually the KATY trail was a better surface than many of the roads.
Signage- actually pretty good, but it's a little strange to turn onto Y, J, or BB instead of a numbered route.
Drivers- Sharon & I encounered good drivers all the way, but Klaas & Gosse were run off the road into a ditch! Others have reported the same.
Terrain- since we were smart (or wimpy) & took the flat KATY trail, we only had a couple days of rugged hills. The rest has been a joy.
Flora & fauna- Eagles, Indigos, Orioles, Meadowlarks & a scissortail something I have to look up. Plus great wildflowers especially along the trail.


  1. i say wimp out whenever. fun is, well, not difficult. It's fun :)

    love the rate the state. SO mom!

    love you! j

  2. I'll save you the look-up time. It's a Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher (tyrannus forficatus) and the Oklahoma State Bird.
