Friday, May 7, 2010

Great start!

What a gorgeous day & a wonderful start. Yorktown to Glendale, VA was about 60 rolling to flat miles with beautiful scenery & perfect temps.
Special thanks to- Mark for letting me go on this wild adventure, )am & Keith for the ride down, and all of the pray-ers out there!
Best bird- a bald eagle.


  1. Go Ma! But be safe. We want you to come home whole! :)

  2. Happy Mothers Day! David told me this morning that mothers day is like veterans day for moms. Moms are in the trenches everyday, keeping their family safe. Thanks for keeping us safe all these years and thanks for being you. I can't express how awesome it is to talk (or maybe brag) about you and your trip to people. From college kids to fellow moms to athletes, folks are humbled by your determination. They're humbled by your complete disregard for society's silly rules about age, gender, and proper ways to spend your mothers day. You're an that doesn't quite cover it...YOU ROCK! We love you :)

    Love, Rachel, David & Ramona

  3. Have at it , Momma. The VA mountains are about to be humbled.
