Saturday, July 24, 2010

The adventure continues!

Steve & Marilyn & Mark drove to SanFran to meet us. Lots of hugs & photos. Then hurrying of to the bike shop to have my bike shipped home.
Armed with a SanFrancisco street map & tips from locals I negotiated the hills & didn't die in city traffic...a major triumph in my book.
Went out to a nice restaurant & then back to Skinners' beautiful home in Sacramento. Spent the next 2 days sightseeing in Old Sacramento & the Cal State fair and hanging out together.
Friday, Steve had to work & Marilyn took us to the airport.
All was well till we got to Chicago, where there were major thunderstorms (welcome to the mid-west!). Our flight to BWI was delayed a couple hours and finally cancelled around midnight.
Slept (sort of) in the terminal. Actually, I had a good nap since my sleeping bag & thermarest were in my carry-ons. No, I was not too proud to spread 'em out & catch a few Z's.
Today, we're booked on an evening flight & on stand-by for one this morning..It ain't over till the fat lady sings!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you are pretty good at this blog stuff. Maybe you should keep it up!
